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Saturday, August 7, 2021
Kartolo CS dalam bentuk Animasi Lucu
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Tas Kipling
Sebagai tas yang sporty, dan konposisi warna yang cerah tentunya tas ini banyak disukai muda mudi maupu mamud mamud (mama mama muda :) )
banyak sekali yang menjual tas model ini saya sempat menelukan web yang jual tas kipling ini, tapi yang paling menarik perhatia saya adalah monyet yang menjadi maskot tas kipling ini. menurut saya pribadi nggak lucu, gak imut, dan gak matching untuk tas sporty kipling.
maskot tas kipling |
heran ???.. iya tapi ya udahlah he he he.
yang penting saya gak pake tas itu... karena saya pria, tetapi katanya ada yang untuk pria, lah ternyata warnanya aja yang biru tua gitu, tapi ya memang bisa ditoleeransi apalagi jenis tas ransel siapa yang nolak kalo di kasih ;).
yang membuat kagum ternyata merek kipling ini sudah ada sejak tahun 1987.. wow ternyata merek tua juga ya. kalau tidak percaya baca saja sendiri disini. tapi berikut ringkasannya
Kipling is a fashion brand founded in 1987 in Antwerp, Belgium. Kipling brand is part of VF Corporation since 2004. Their most famous collection is Basic,[1] recognizable from its crinkled nylon fabric and its monkey zipper. Kipling sells bags and accessoires.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Lamunan Orang mesum,... apapun Alasannya...
Inilah Gambaran Asli Lamunan Orang orang Mesum
Di Jepang ada buku yang cuma berisi foto-foto yang terjual lebih dari 40,000 buah hanya dalam 1 bulan lebih dan masuk dalam penjualan buku populer. Buku yang berjudul Mousatsu atau Jepretan Lamunan atau Secret Desire adalah buku yang berisi kumpulan foto-foto hasil jepretan seorang kamerawan yang bernama Tommy. Tommy ingin mengabadikan lamunan-lamunan para pria-pria Jepang ketika melihat wanita-wanita cantik. Misalnya ketika sedang duduk di meja perpustakaan dan diepan ada cewek cantik yang sedang melihat keluar jendela, diam-diam kita terpana melihat cewek tersebut dan didalam pikiran kita melamun warna pakaian dalam wanita tersebut dan bentuk tubuhnya .
Ide kamerawan ini ingin menyajikan sebuah seni gambar-gambar erotik secara halus dan tidak jauh dari realita kehidupan pria-pria yang banyak diisi dengan lamunan-lamunan erotis. Menurut penelitian, pria jauh lebih terangsang dengan gambar-gambar erotik yang hanya memperlihat sebagian dari sisi tubuh wanita dibandingan dengan gambar-gambar porno dimana wanitanya tidak mengenakan sepotong helai pakaian.
Gambar-gambar erotik ini merupakan salah satu teknik menggabungkan dua gambar dalam satu gambar dengan model wanita yang berpenampilan biasa dan model wanita yang berada didalam lamunan pria. Hasilnya seperti gambar dibawah ini, ketika orang-orang di kantor sedang rapat dimana seorang wanita cantik membawakan presentasi, cowok-cowok yang kepalanya udah butek bukannya konsentrasi ke presentasi malah ngeliatin cewek cantiknya sambil melamun warna celana dalam sang cewek tersebut.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Linux Phone, Netbook Prove Nokia Still Has Ambition
You'd think a company with 40 percent of the handset market would be more interesting, but Nokia has been known mostly as a bottom-fisher, despite repeated attempts to claim the high-end.
Both the N900 Linux phone (shown) and Booklet netbook are gaining favorable comments, though neither is actually available for testing as yet.
I don't think a $700 Linux phone is going to make a huge difference and the netbook is open to criticism on a variety of fronts. But, at least Nokia seems to be breathing and has a pulse, something I've had to wonder about in the past.
Of the two, the netbook is the most interesting, including built-in wireless and GPS but also the usual too-small 10-inch screen. Little information is available, but more should be next week. At first glance, I am interested in this netbook, though I wouldn't purchase such a small screen. Nor do I want my netbook to come with a two-year wireless commitment, though that may be difficult to avoid.
It concerns me that in introducing a Linux phone that Nokia execs said the Symbian OS, long a Nokia staple, is not endangered. I think it probably should be, given the track record of Nokia's high-end offerings. What I think I want to see is Nokia licensing Palm's webOS, used on the Pre.
It is also not clear the N900 will be offered in the U.S. or whether Linux will be the OS used on all the company's next-generation smartphones. It makes little sense for Nokia to try to turn both Linux and Symbian into high-end players. But, stranger things have happened, though they haven't been too successful.
While Nokia's overall share is not dropping, its average selling price is, according to Reuters, falling faster than the industry average. That's a bad sign and underscores some urgency in creating high-end products that will burnish both image and profits.
The company also announced creation of a "solutions" business unit with the mission of making smartphones and services/applications better integrate. This has been another Nokia failing and, with ecosystems becoming at least as important as the individual smartphone models, this is an area where everyone except Apple really needs a win.
Apple's success in making everything "just work" together and is a significant obstacle for competitors to overcome.
While cynics will say the new developments are just an extension of Nokia's losing battle for smartphone relevance--now extending itself to netbooks--I will be a tad more optimistic.
That is more than Nokia may deserve, but I keep thinking the company ought to be able to do more than its managed to accomplish in smartphones so far. Maybe the N900 is is a new--and real--beginning.
David Coursey's first cellphone (1988) was a Nokia from Radio Shack, but he hasn't owned a Nokia since. He tweets as @techinciter .
Friday, April 10, 2009
Caldera OpenLinux
Caldera OpenLinux
By 1997 Caldera had taken on the form that it would be most remembered for. Caldera had switched over to the high end Linux product. The "business" linux distribution became more rich with features with bundled proprietary software. However, it became less community oriented and was released less frequently than other Linuxes did. Other differences included automated configuration for administration tools, paid technical support staff, built-in consistent default GUI, and a range of supported applications. In 1995, for example when XFree86 was still very hard to configure and unreliable on most chip sets, Caldera had shipped with MetroLink's Motif and XI Graphic's Accelerated-X.
[edit] Commercial extensions
Over the next 5 years Caldera offered additional commercial extensions to Linux. They licensed Sun's Wabi to allow people to run Windows applications under Linux. Additionally, they shipped with Linux versions of Word Perfect and CorelDRAW (from Novell and later Corel). Since many of their customers used a dual boot setup and FIPS was unreliable, they shipped with PartitionMagic to allow their customers to non destructively repartition their disk. In partnership with IBM they produced the first Linux distribution which was DB2 compatible. With the Oracle Corporation they became the target platform for the Linux port of the Oracle database. Other ventures included starting the Blackdown Java project, founding the Embedix distribution, created professional certification. They also formed strong partnerships with SCO's value-added reseller market and started laying the ground work for OEM sales of Unix based vertical applications. By the end Caldera offered 3 versions:
- Lite was a freely downloadable version.
- Base was a $99 version with a few extensions.
- Standards was $299 and was their full featured product.
In addition to other people's applications, they created many Linux extensions to fill voids where no other commercial company was. Caldera began working on a Linux equivalent of replacing the Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft Outlook that would eventually become Volution Messaging Server. Volution Messaging Server which was a replacement for exchange server integration with Microsoft's Outlook and offers calendaring/scheduling options with shared busy/free information, SSL support for e-mail and easy configuration.[9] Additionally, they created the first fully graphical installer for Linux, called Lizard. They invented browser based Unix system administration and created the webmin project as well as purchasing DR-DOS to create OpenDOS to help port DOS applications.
Caldera created a full featured GUI system administration tool called Caldera Open Administration System (COAS). The tool was a unified, easy to use administration tool with a modular design. With its scalability and broad scope abilities it featured:[10][11]
- Portability (specifics encapsulated in a platform repository)
- Open development model
- Flexible module licensing
- Multiple user interfaces (batch processing, ncurses, QT, Java)
- Scripting interface (Python) for rapid prototyping
- Backward compatibility (works on native files, "vi admin" friendly)
OpenLinux was not a Microsoft killer, but it showed the Linux community what would be required to create a mainstream desktop OS out of the Linux kernel. In many ways the last 10 years of desktop progress has been to successfully implement what Caldera was attempting to do with the tools they had available[citation needed]. Their technique for this was to utilize commercial software to fill in the largest gaps. This made their product a "value add" and thus they could charge for it, and at the same time it made them the most advanced distribution available[citation needed].
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
openSUSE 11.0: Talking GNOME with Vincent Untz
openSUSE News: What kind of changes have happened “behind the scenes” in GNOME that users might not see right away, but are important? (Like performance increases, backend changes, etc.)
Vincent Untz: Several things have changed:
- PulseAudio: Instead of using esound as the sound server, we now use PulseAudio. It’s basically much better A cool thing, for example, is that you can set the volume of the stream of each application, instead of just having a global volume. Another cool thing is that you can use Bonjour/Zeroconf/mdns&dns-sd to find out about PulseAudio servers on the network and dynamically move a stream to this server.
- PolicyKit: This is a new technology to make it easier to change some system setting. An example is how you change the system timezone in the clock applet, for example.
- PackageKit: For now, we only use this for the notification icon that tells you about update. But it’s a framework to make it easier to handle packages from applications. It’s full of Libzypp love in openSUSE.
- 3-D effects: Not strictly GNOME, but I think it has improved quite a bit now. XGL is not required anymore (with AIGLX) and so more people can use this.
- Less divergence from upstream. We started some serious work to send more patches upstream and remove changes that will never be accepted by upstream and that are not that interesting to us.
openSUSE News: How does openSUSE GNOME differ from “stock” GNOME? What kind of added features or improvements would openSUSE users see that may not be in other distros?
Vincent Untz: It’s kind of hard to reply to this for one reason: we’re trying to be as close as upstream as possible. However, things that are important and that we change:
- Artwork, obviously. This helps having a unified look & feel with the rest of the distro (splash screen, e.g.).
- Default configuration — like panel layout, including gnome-main-menu, and some settings in some applications.
- Bug fixes: We backport many bug fixes from SVN to get something more stable.
We also have some brand new stuff when it comes to things where we have developers. For example, we use NetworkManager 0.7 (which is still unreleased), but Ubuntu still ships the old 0.6 (Fedora uses 0.7, I believe).
I think the main point here is that we’re trying to do development upstream, and then polish things where they can be polished for the integration with the rest of the OS.
openSUSE News: Can you talk a bit about the relationship between GNOME and openSUSE?
Vincent Untz: Well, some of the developers in the openSUSE GNOME team are GNOME contributors (some are really deeply involved in GNOME). For example, Federico is a GTK+ maintainer, Rodrigo co-maintains the control center, I maintain a few modules, etc. It’s not just about code (Federico has been on the GNOME Foundation board for a few years, I’m on it right now, etc.)
We’re trying to do our development upstream, to also upstream bugs (bugs opened in but that really should be in, etc. Basically, we’re trying to be a good GNOME citizen
openSUSE News: What kind of plans are on the table for openSUSE 11.1 and GNOME?
Vincent Untz: We’re starting to discuss this, and we have a list of ideas at
There will be the new rewritten GDM, better integration of the PulseAudio features, better printing administration, integration of the Telepathy framework, etc. All of this is “maybe”, of course
openSUSE News: Anything else you’d like to mention or add?
Vincent Untz: Also quite important to mention the whole community that is doing an awesome job — people are helping with many things, from bug triage, to organizing meetings, giving ideas, testing, etc.
openSUSE News: Thanks for taking the time!
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